
Saracen Properties Pty Ltd representing 5 Star Margaret River Pty Ltd and The Beach Village Pty Ltd (the proponent) proposes a resort and village incorporating tourism, commercial and residential development, in the locality of Gnarabup, referred to as the ‘proposal’. The proposal is located approximately eight kilometres (km) south west of Margaret River town in the south west of Western Australia within the Shire of Augusta Margaret River. The proposal and associated development envelope covers 8.1 ha.

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) made a decision to assess the proposal and approved the Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) following a two week public comment period. The ESD and EPA procedures have informed the scope and content of the Environmental Review Document (ERD). The ERD describes the proposal, the likely environmental impacts and the proposed mitigation measures.

The proposal or action was also referred to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) under the EPBC Act (EPBC 2022/09224), and on 26 August 2022 the Minister decided that the proposal is a controlled action and would be assessed using preliminary documentation. The Minister found two matters of national environmental significance (MNES) may be potentially impacted, namely ‘listed threatened species and communities’ and ‘listed migratory species’. The ERD addresses MNES matters.


Under the Shire of Augusta Margaret River Local Planning Scheme No.1 (LPS No.1) the land is appropriately zoned (‘Tourist Zone T2’ and ‘Future Development’) and is designed to follow the LPS No.1 requirements for the Gnarabup Special Control Area (clause 6.4.3) and the Gnarabup Beach Structure Plan. The vision for the project is to create a tourism destination that sits sensitively and sustainably within the coastal landscape, existing community and showcases the natural beauty of the surrounding environment.

Subject to the mitigation measures outlined in this ERD the proposal is not expected to cause significant direct, indirect, cumulative or holistic impacts on the environment and can be managed to meet the EPA’s objectives. More broadly the proposal will also fulfil the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy objective - to create a vibrant, inclusive and resilient community through sustainable land use and development while preserving and enhancing the natural environment for the benefit of existing and future generations.

How to Participate

The ERD will be released for public comment on Monday 21 October 2024. The closing date for public submissions is Monday 18 November 2024.

The ERD can be downloaded from the links below or from the EPA’s website (

Submissions should be made on the EPA’s Consultation Hub at:

Alternatively, submissions can be posted to the EPA (Locked Bag 10, Joondalup DC, WA 6919) or delivered (Prime House, 8 Davidson Terrace, Joondalup, WA 6027). For questions on how to make a submission, please contact EPA Services on 6364 7000.

To make it easier for the EPA to consider your submission include the following:

·       Your name and address and indicate if your details should be confidential.

·       Summary of your submission.

·       List points so that issues raised are clear, preferably by environmental factor

·       Refer each point to the page, section, and if possible, the paragraph of the ERD

·       Attach any reference material, if applicable. Make sure your information is accurate.

·       Clearly state your point of view and give reasons for your conclusions.

·       Reference the source of your information.

·       Suggest alternatives to improve outcomes to the environment.